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"insert_top" => "<p>Avante Medical Surgical’s selection of new and refurbished portable vital signs monitors gives you the features and portability you need to deliver lifesaving care to patients in field. Our portable monitors vary from small, handheld models to full-featured patient monitors with lightweight designs and convenient carrying handles. Choose from a new, DRE brand portable vital signs monitor, or opt for a professionally refurbished model from an industry leading brand: Drager, Welch Allyn, Datascope, GE, Philips and more. Contact us and get a free quote today.</p> ◀<p>Avante Medical Surgical’s selection of new and refurbished portable vital signs monitors gives you the features and portability you need to deliver lif ▶"
"insert_bottom" => """
<p>A superior medical equipment supplier since 1984, Avante Medical Surgical offers a complete line of new, used and professionally refurbished portable vital signs monitors from top brands:</p>\r\n ◀<p>A superior medical equipment supplier since 1984, Avante Medical Surgical offers a complete line of new, used and professionally refurbished portable vital s ▶
<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and speak with an Avante representative today.</p> ◀<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and sp ▶
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"insert_top" => "<p>Avante Medical Surgical’s selection of new and refurbished portable vital signs monitors gives you the features and portability you need to deliver lifesaving care to patients in field. Our portable monitors vary from small, handheld models to full-featured patient monitors with lightweight designs and convenient carrying handles. Choose from a new, DRE brand portable vital signs monitor, or opt for a professionally refurbished model from an industry leading brand: Drager, Welch Allyn, Datascope, GE, Philips and more. Contact us and get a free quote today.</p> ◀<p>Avante Medical Surgical’s selection of new and refurbished portable vital signs monitors gives you the features and portability you need to deliver lif ▶"
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<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and speak with an Avante representative today.</p> ◀<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and sp ▶
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<p>A superior medical equipment supplier since 1984, DRE medical offers a complete line of new, used and professionally refurbished portable vital signs monitors from top brands:</p>\r\n ◀<p>A superior medical equipment supplier since 1984, DRE medical offers a complete line of new, used and professionally refurbished portable vital signs monitor ▶
<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and speak with a Avante Representative today.</p>\r\n ◀<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and sp ▶
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<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and speak with a Avante Representative today.</p>\r\n ◀<p>We constantly update our inventory to include new equipment options. For product availability information, please call <strong>(800) 462-8195</strong> and sp ▶
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