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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Pulmonetic Brand Focus and History

Pulmonetic Systems Incorporated was acquired by VIASYS Healthcare Inc. in 2005 and Cardinal Health in 2007. Pulmonetic LTV ventilators are now marketed under the Viasys trademark of CareFusion, a company that spun off of Cardinal Health in 2009. 

In late 2014 Carefusion announced it was being acquired by BD.

LTV ventilators have a low profile design for portable, invasive and non-invasive ventilation where clinicians need it--critical care, emergency departments, emergency preparedness, patient transport, long-term care and home care. 

Carefusion Website:

All product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement or sponsorship by them.