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Intro to the Integra SP VSO2 Anesthesia System

February 12, 2020

As one of Avante Health Solutions’ flagship products, medical professionals from all over the world use the Avante Integra SP VSO2 tabletop anesthesia machine in their facilities. The VSO2 is portable and versatile, making it ideal for small practices, oral surgery centers, dermatology and aesthetic facilities, and anywhere else space might be a premium.  

Learn more about the Integra SP VSO2 with this in-depth video tutorial from Matt Cameron, Product Development Director for Avante Health Solutions’ Louisville Center of Excellence.

The Integra SP VSO2 is easily configurable for a variety of surgical applications

With just a few simple adjustments, clinicians can quickly and easily set up the VSO2 for a variety of cases. The VSO2 can be configured for use with a nasal hood for conscious sedation, and a nasal cannula for oxygen delivery. The system also comes standard with a Selectatec vaporizer mount, allowing clinicians to further expand their anesthesia capabilities. 

Weighing in at just 26 pounds, the Integra SP VSO2 can be easily set up for office-based procedures and packed away when the case is finished. The onboard retractable handle allows clinicians to easily load the VSO2 into its optional carrying case, a convenient feature for mobile anesthesia needs. A convenient mobile trolley with a sturdy, built-in shelf is also available. 

Further Reading