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Inactive - Medical Surgical - News

DRE Announces Launch of New Global Outreach and Development Division

For more than 30 years, DRE has been a trusted provider of medical equipment in over 150 countries. The new Global Outreach Division will help DRE further its capabilities to fulfill specific needs of non-profit organizations, medical mission groups, disaster relief efforts, and government-funded projects.

DRE Continues Partnership with Kenya Relief to Bring Improved Healthcare to Kenyans

DRE’s partnership with Kenya Relief continues this holiday season with the exciting opportunity to donate specific medical devices or funds for independent projects. Now, medical professionals and donors can select devices from the Kenya Relief brochure to donate and it will arrive in Kenya shortly after Christmas for use by American teams working alongside Kenyan healthcare providers at Kenya Relief’s surgery center and the new Kenya Relief Medical Center being constructed in 2013.

DRE Partners with on Missions Projects

DRE, Inc. recently launched a partnership with to help facilitate the construction and supply of a new Kenya regional hospital.

Steve James, a Nurse Anesthetist from Cullman, Alabama, delivered two public presentations this? month at DRE about his medical missions in Kenya. James is the creator of, one of the most influential and successful relief organizations in Kenya today.